Musical Kids

I often joke that I married Eddy because I wanted my kids to have musical talent, but when I see their ability to pick up an instrument and start playing music, well, with very little previous experience, I don’t think it’s much of a joke. Admittedly they need more practice and more instruction, but it’s not a bad start!

Owen playing guitar

Kate playing piano

Back to School, 2015 Edition

After a two week strike, school finally started in the middle of September– more than a month and a half after some other parts of the country! Jonah entered 7th grade, Owen started 6th grade, and Kate was all alone at View Ridge, going into 3rd grade.

2015-09-17 07.13.00

2015-09-17 09.12.40

Owen got to take two first day pictures, as the sixth graders at Eckstein had a special orientation day. Otherwise it is just the normal set of “parents embarrassing their kids again on the first day of school” pics.

2015-09-17 09.31.12

2015-08-31 07.11.33

Jonah, Owen and Eddy all got back to school haircuts too.

2015-09-08 16.02.44

2015-09-08 16.00.41

2015-09-08 17.20.29