I went to the hospital Tuesday to see the MD, and Wednesday to have another ultrasound. I happened to get an appointment with the one (very nice) MD who is *completely* opposed to homebirths. She compares them to driving on the highway at 250km/ hour without a seatbelt: sometimes nothing happens, sometimes it’s a disaster. I understand her perspective, and it actually makes me feel more confident with her advice.

She felt that my lab results were completely normal, and to make sure, handed me another slew of tests to do. We did a long monitoring of my blood pressure and the baby’s heartbeat, both of which were fine. Then Wednesday we did another ultrasound, during which she checked the baby’s growth (3kilos already! but only at 50-75% on the scale), the amniotic fluid, and my arteries, all of which were completely normal. She felt that my high blood pressure could have been due to being tired, but was nothing to worry about. Neither the baby nor I have any signs of hypertension, liver problems or gestational diabetes. Her advice? That I should not make any decisions about where to give birth based on these test results, which I read as her not wanting to give me the OK to have a homebirth, but having no medical reason to stop me.

So… more blood sucking today (to check for diabetes) and then appointments on Monday and Tuesday with my midwife and then a hospital midwife. Eddy is feeling a little more stress at the idea of a homebirth, so I still can’t say with certainty what will happen, but we have time to decide- nobody thinks this baby is coming early!

2 thoughts on “A OK”

  1. I’m glad to hear all is “normal” and hope you are getting some much needed rest. As you know, it only gets more stressful once the little one is out. Take care of yourself now while you can!When is your official due date?

  2. I’m officialy due on October 25th, which means that on the 2nd I pass that ‘magic’ premature day, and can start jumping up and down, and wsahing windows, and scrubbing the tub to try to get her out! Not that that will work… both boys ignored all kinds of activity like that and stayed put until they were good and ready!

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